Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
Albert Einstein


At Highters Heath Community School we promote good citizenship in a variety of ways. The children have opportunities to hold various positions of responsibility in school aiming to promote responsibility and improve life in and around school.

Children will be given opportunities to take part in a range of pupil led groups with additional responsibility. Such groups include School Council, Prefects and Playground Leaders.

Pupil Parliament

The Pupil Parliament will be a voice for all our children, with special MP roles for each candidate.

Our Pupil Parliament members put themselves forward for these different roles of the Commons. We have Eco MPs – who are responsible for our sustainability, environment and use of resources; Community MPs – who will take charge of our Rights Respecting work and ensure everyone is ready to learn; and we have our Learning MPs – who will focus on our curriculum and learning within school. One very particular role is of course Prime Minister and a vote is held within the Pupil Parliament to elect a suitable candidate.

What are their roles?

  • To allow pupils at Highters Heath Community School to have a voice;
  • To identify ways that we can improve our school and community;
  • To be part of the decision-making process in school;
  • To help to improve learning in the school;
  • To take part in interviews for new teachers and learning walks;
  • To be a role model for others in their classroom and around school.

What qualities/skills are required?

Pupil Parliament Representatives should:

  • Be committed to the role;
  • Demonstrate excellent manners;
  • Be patient and calm;
  • Respect and value the opinions of others (even when they disagree with it);
  • Be able to express their ideas clearly;
  • Be approachable;
  • Always try their best with their learning;
  • Always wear the correct school uniform and be well presented;
  • Always make excellent choices in the classroom and around school.

How are they chosen?

At the start of each year in Reception to Year 6, pupils in each class put themselves forward to be elected to the role of Pupil Parliament Representative. This will usually involve them giving a small speech as to why they think they would be great in the role. The class then vote for which pupil they think would represent them best. The two pupils with the most votes then become their classes’ Pupil Parliament Representatives.

Head Prefects

This position within school is a real privilege and holds great responsibility.

What are their roles?

  • To show visitors around the school;
  • To make contributions to the newsletter;
  • To give speeches promoting the school where necessary;
  • To meet regularly with the school Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher;
  • To be an excellent role model for others in their classroom and around school.

What qualities/skills are required?

A Head Prefect:

  • Always demonstrates excellent manners;
  • Always tries their best with their learning;
  • Is confident when speaking to groups;
  • Is approachable;
  • Is good at solving problems;
  • Should have good leadership qualities;
  • Always wears the correct school uniform and is well presented;
  • Always makes excellent choices in the classroom and around school.

How are they chosen?

Each year, our Year 6 pupils are asked to apply for the role of being a prefect. These are then submitted to our Assistant Headteacher and Learning Mentor for consideration. Our Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher then choose a group of children for this role based on the content of their applications. Two of those children chosen then become Head Prefects.


Our prefects help our staff at playtimes and dinnertimes. This includes:

  • Modelling play to our KS1 pupils;
  • Helping in the school dining room;
  • Patrolling corridors during wet playtimes and dinnertimes and modelling play in classrooms;
  • Controlling the numbers of pupils using the toilet areas;
  • Helping to sort any disagreements which may occur;
  • Being positive role models.

Our prefects meet regularly and are given training to help perform their roles. Our prefects always try to make the best choices both in the classroom and outside.

What are their roles?

  • Help staff to manage dinnertimes (including wet dinnertimes) in KS1 and KS2;
  • Help solve any issues at play and dinnertimes and inform adults where necessary (Training will be provided);
  • To show visitors around school;
  • To be a role model for others in their classroom and around school.

What qualities/skills are required?

A prefect:

  • Must be committed to the role;
  • Demonstrates excellent manners;
  • Is willing to work with younger children;
  • Is patient and calm;
  • Is approachable;
  • Is good at solving problems;
  • Always tries their best with their learning;
  • Always wears the correct school uniform and is well presented;
  • Always makes excellent choices in the classroom and around school.

How are they chosen?

Each year, our Year 6 pupils are asked to apply for the role of being a prefect. These are then submitted to our Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher for consideration. Our Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher then choose a group of children for this role based on the content of their applications.

Playground Leaders

At Highters Heath Community School we have been running our Playground Leaders scheme with Year 5 and 6 pupils. The Playground Leaders play a very important role in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for other children during lunchtimes.

The Playground Leaders receive training from the School Learning Mentor, where they learn how to carry out their roles and responsibilities, how to encourage playground games and how to use peer mediation skills.

As Playground Leaders, they support younger children in their play, initiating games and promoting friendships. They act as helpers to our playground supervisors and when possible support the children to find resolutions when the situation arises.

What are their roles?

  • To help all children to learn and how to play cooperatively with each other;
  • To help children resolve minor problems;
  • To teach children new games;
  • To help lonely children make new friends;
  • To be available as a friend to all children.

What qualities/skills are required?

A Playground Leader:

  • Must be friendly towards other children;
  • Must be willing to help others;
  • Should be able to help solve small problems between children.

How are they chosen?

These children are chosen by the School Learning Mentor.